Thursday, April 6, 2017

Design Document - Sea Queen

Name (s):           Emma Lu___________

Game Title:                Sea Queen                          Genre              Adventure____________

Storyline – Storyline should be about one page in length and include a description of the backstory (what happened before the start of the game) to provide the reader with context.  Include information related to plot, conflict, and goal.

The beautiful ocean. Your home. Your beloved parents who cared for you for three years, until...your father did the most unexpected thing. He killed your mother.
You are a female dolphin. After birth, your father killed your mother. You do not know exactly why, but your father claimed it was because your mother cheated on him. But you just know that can not be the truth. Then your father abandoned you. It was so unlike him. He loved and cared for you and your mother for all your three years. You are heartbroken and set your heart out to avenge your mother. However, you are still young, at three years old. So you need to first practice surviving in the wild without protection of a mate or parents. You will encounter many dangerous creatures and find a way to hunt and feed yourself. There will be safe parts of the ocean, while there will be places full of sharks or alligators. Then you move on to level two, where once you learn to be able to survive alone (having a required amount of experience), you will need to find where the practice boss lies and take him down. Then you will be ready. Already moving on to level three, you will look for clues on the ocean floor and where your dead mother lies to find out the real reason your father killed your mother, and where he is now. Finally, once you find out these key pieces of information, you find out some evil demon took over your father and is controlling him to do horrible things. You need to find the boss who controls the demon controlling your father before he does extremely bad things. But first, now find other dolphins and form a strong blessing (group of dolphins) and mate. Then make sure, when you find the boss, to dodge the demons he will be shooting out to you or else you will become possessed just like your father. If any of your friends or mate become possessed, they might come after you. But the boss is focused on you. After defeating the boss, you find your father and he is not possessed anymore. You also find your true love and life is good again.

Characters- Include name and detailed description of characters.  Character description should give reader a good about who the character / enemy / boss / npc is. Provide a description of the character’s physical appearance, personality, abilities, etc.
  • Playable Character(s)
Female dolphin - you choose the name of your avatar. You are a brave and loyal dolphin who loves your family. You are a gray dolphin with dazzling silver tint, so there is definitely something special about you. You find you have special abilities, such as shooting little sparks of light from your mouth to hurt your enemies. You eat fish and seaweed as herbs.

  • Enemies:
Jellyfish - jellyfish can sting you, taking part of your life away
Alligators - they have sharp teeth to bite you
Sharks - most dangerous creature besides the bosses, an adult can take away two of your lives
  • Boss(es):
Practice boss - this boss is just to prepare for the real boss, to avenge your mother; it is dangerous but the true boss is even more dangerous
Boss - huge swordfish-like creature controlling translucent demons, possessing your father

  • NPCs (Non-playable characters - these are characters you encounter in the game that share information with you to help guide the story development and provide guide the character):
 Fish - your food
Seaweed - your herbs
Sand - on ocean floor, serves as part of setting
Pebbles - on ocean floor, serves as part of setting
Levels (This should include the look and feel of each level (i.e. if a level takes place in the desert, describe the desert environment, etc.)  Provide a detailed written description of each level. You may also include a sketch of the level if you like. Include elements in the level like specific enemies, bosses, obstacles, distinct areas, etc.
  • Intro Screen options: (instructions? Play? )
Instructions: You are a female dolphin. After birth, your father killed your mother. You do not know exactly why, but your father claimed it was because your mother cheated on him. But you just know that can not be the truth. Then your father abandoned you. It was so unlike him. He loved and cared for you and your mother for all your three years. You are heartbroken and set your heart out to avenge your mother. Find the reason your father killed your mother, where he is now, and defeat the boss.
  • Level 1:
You will practice surviving in the wild without protection of a mate or parents. You will encounter many dangerous creatures and find a way to hunt and feed yourself. There will be safe parts of the ocean, while there will be other places full of sharks or alligators.

  • Level 2:
You need to have a required amount of experience then you will need to find where the practice boss lies and defeat him

  • Level 3:
You will look for clues on the ocean floor and where your dead mother lies to find out the real reason your father killed your mother, and where he is now (you find out some evil demon took over your father and is controlling him to do horrible things)

  • Level 4:
You need to find the boss who controls the demon controlling your father before he does extremely bad things. But first, find other dolphins and form a strong blessing (group of dolphins) and loyal mate. Then make sure, when you find the boss, to dodge the demons he will be shooting out to you or else you will become possessed just like your father. If any of your friends or mate become possessed, they might come after you, but the boss is focused on you. After defeating the boss, find your father and he should not be possessed anymore

  • Other:
Objects: (items that you encounter in the game (i.e. powerups, weapons, coins, armor, etc.)

  • Experience: killing and eating prey, defeating enemies like alligators, and gaining allies all gain you experience
  •  Level-ups: When reaching enough experience, you can level up and gain more health and become stronger
  •  NA

Winning / Losing Scenario:  Indicate what conditions should be met to win the game and what results in a loss or ‘game over’.  If your game allows for continued opportunity to restart at a checkpoint or on the current level, please indicate how that will work in your game.

Defeat the main boss to save your father to win the game. You lose the game when you die, from either enemies or starvation. After you lose, you restart the level.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Modified Escape from Alcatraz Game

     You are a fire-breathing dragon that wants to get to its cave where it feels safe. You are on a mountain where there are travelers that will try to shoot as you make your way home. They are shooting bullets at you while you need to shoot fireballs at them. If you get shot or if you hit the hikers, you lose a life. To kill them, you shoot the people with fire, and they will disappear.

    Gary will be changed to a red dragon, the player, that shoots fireballs, formerly the hamburgers. I will remove the lock and key and the door will become a cave. The guards will become travelers that try to shoot you with the bullet that will remain the same. The walls will become grass and the background will be tan, representing dirt.

     For every level you are a dragon. For each level, you find your way through a path on the mountain your cave lies on. However, each level is not that you find your way to the cave, that is the last level. For each level ahead of that, you find your way through part of the mountain.

     Because you are a dragon, you will have 6 lives instead of 3. You lose 1 life each time you are shot by a bullet or if you hit a hiker.

     The winning scenario is the last 2 levels, where you will face many travelers and bullets that cause 2 lives to be lost in the 2nd-last level. There will be another dragon fighting to steal your cave in the last level. You will have to beat that dragon.
Evil dragon:

     Challenges I foresee is making sprites the exact size of each grid square. I will ask friends and explore all the commands available to solve this.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Minecraft Adventurer - CODE

Minecraft Adventurer

Minecraft Adventurer is a bit different than Minecraft Designer. While Minecraft Designer is having your player move around and use creatures, Minecraft Adventurer is having your player build and destroy blocks or buildings. In it, you can build houses, railroads, and collect resources from your world. You can also program your player to avoid lava or monsters. It is as if Minecraft Adventurer teaches how the survival mode of Minecraft is and Minecraft Designer teaches how the creative mode of Minecraft is.

Overall, this was extremely intriguing because it had many different settings and scenarios. It showed you could mine iron, redstone, diamond, build homes of wood or even wool, and build a railroad for a train track or rollercoaster!

Key facts to know:
  1. The playspace is where you can run your game and instructions are below it
  2. The tool box contains commands directing Alex’s or Steve’s actions
  3. The workspace is where you build your program
    Drag a block under the previous one to add actions until it outlines in yellow/orange; actions are performed from top to bottom
  5. To delete a block, drag it from the workspace back to the tool box
  6. Use this repeat block to repeat an action or actions 2 to 10 times in a row
  7. This is an “if” statement; in this case, it is used for if lava is ahead. This means you can program Steve or Alex to place a block if there is lava in front of them then walk, for example.
  8. You can place blocks like torches and cobblestone
  9. You can mine minerals by using a “destroy block” block

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Minecraft Designer - CODE

Minecraft Designer

Minecraft Designer is a fun and easy way to learn how to code. Many are familiar with the video game Minecraft, and the game was used to teach students how to code and make games. There are two Minecraft activities - Minecraft Designer and Minecraft Adventurer. Minecraft Designer gives the student the basic steps of how to program things like chickens, sheep, and monsters. There are many functions that can be programmed to these creatures. For example, a chicken can be programmed to drop an egg every three steps, and a creeper can be programmed to make a hissing sound when touched by a player. Minecraft Designer is all about moving and using.
Minecraft Designer is interesting to me personally because computer science is being taught while playing a video game! I love the fact we are open to programming anything we want in Minecraft Designer, even if it’s something crazy. When using Minecraft Designer, everyone can let their creativity and imagination out.

Below are some key points of Minecraft Designer:
1. Screenshot 2017-02-07 at 9.08.33 AM.pngThe area is split into three spaces - gamespace (where you can test your game), toolbox (the actions and events you can use), and workspace (where you program your game). Press run to test your game.

2. Screenshot 2017-02-07 at 9.11.01 AM.png This is the forever do loop. You can use it to repeat an action forever.
3. To make the game more realistic, you can use the turn random key so creatures seem more real.
4. Screenshot 2017-02-07 at 9.13.25 AM.pngUse the up, down, left, and right keyboard buttons to move your player.
5. You can use animals by pressing the space bar and program the game so creatures follow you when you touch them or whatever action is put into the workspace.
6. You spawn animals during the day or night, and on the top, bottom, left or right part of the screen/world.
7. You can program the game so you earn points when doing certain actions
8. Have fun!

Also, in case you need it, here's the link :-) -->